There is a great place about 30 minutes south of Sedona, AZ. It's called "The Crack" at Wet Beaver Creek. If you are looking for a moderate hike that has just about everything you're looking for in an outdoor adventure this is the place for you. The area at "The Crack" has cliff jumping, rock climbing, and swimming with gorgeous views.
This hike starts at the bell trailhead in Rimrock, AZ. The parking lot is quite large and fills up quickly. There is also overflow parking a little further back from the trailhead. It also has a bathroom which is always a bonus before you go on trail. Here are the coordinates:
This hike is a 3.5 mile in and out trip, so, 7 miles total. Take lots of water or a water filter to filter the creek water if need be. Always better safe than sorry. Even though it isn't a super hard hike, it can get hot! If you can, start your hike early morning to beat the heat.

Bell Trail starts off as an easy hike. The first 1.5 to 2 miles is a grassy desert landscape with multiple access points off the trail to swim and chill in Wet Beaver Creek along the way.

It is an awesome and beautiful place to hop in for a dip, so, make sure you treat yourself to that little pleasure.

After the the 1.5 to 2 miles in you will come across the Wet Beaver Wilderness sign. Here you want to stay to the left of the sign and continue your way up the trail.

At this point the trail becomes steeper and more scenic. There are beautiful views of the ridge line. The cliffs along the trail turn into the gorgeous red rock that is iconic for the Sedona area.
When you get closer to your destination you are going to come to a fork in the trail. Off to the right, you will see the trail start to head down. This will take you to the river before "The Crack". On the left, the trail will continue upwards. This is the way you want to continue for about .25 miles and you will arrive at your destination.

Happy hiking, safe journeys, and don't forget "pack it in, pack it out."